Compete Sports Performance & Rehab serves the Orange County and Los Angeles County Regions. Our Yorba Linda facility is conveniently located at:
The Rinks Yorba Linda
23641 La Palma Ave
Yorba Linda, CA 92887
Semi Private Training
Get an edge on the competition and play your game with more confidence with customized training. These programs will be designed to meet your specific needs. Cost begins at just $50 per session or $225 for a package of 5 sessions.
Injury Evaluation & Rehabilitation
Have your sports injury evaluated by one of our certified Athletic Trainers. Let us help you manage your injury and return to play as soon and as safely as possible. Return to your pre-injury status and get back to your activity. Compete’s Certified Athletic Trainers will treat your sports injury and design sports rehabilitation programs specific to your sport. Get treated just like our professional athletes do. Our rehab will incorporate training into your sessions so that you’re physically fit to return.
Adult Fitness Classes
This small group training takes certain principles from strength training, sports performance, and yoga and applies them to this fun and motivating class! Tired of the big boot camp classes without a personal touch? Compete’s Small Group Training allows our Coaches to modify the session to meet your needs. With Compete’s Adult Fitness Classes, you will decrease your stress, stay energized throughout your day, and look great at the same time!
Small Groups and Team Programs
Get better as a team and dominate the competition! Bring your small group or team in and receive performance training that exceeds your expectations. Programs may include speed, acceleration, core strength and weight lifting.
Prepare for tryouts and reach your goals with our Off Ice Training!
Mondays through Thursdays at 5pm
Compete’s popular Athletic Performance classes in Lake Forest will now be offered in Yorba Linda. These classes will be focused on building overall athleticism including speed, agility, strength, core stability and flexibility. The classes are open to all athletes aged 10-18.
Phone: (714)944-0981
Contact us today and get ready to compete at your best!