Avoiding Burnout During the Season

Avoiding Burnout During the Season

The demands placed on athletes today in any given sport has increased immensely over the last ten years. It is not uncommon for California hockey players to play on a club and high school team at the same time. This means three to four practices a week and two to...

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Communication is Vital for Success in Injury Prevention

Communication is Vital for Success in Injury Prevention

Athletic Trainers are skilled and trained in everything from injury prevention, emergency medical response, and rehabilitation. However, despite years of education, extensive and diverse clinical hours, all culminating in a grueling certification exam, none of us have...

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Is Exhaustion an Injury? Benefits of a Rest Day

Is Exhaustion an Injury? Benefits of a Rest Day

The Benefits of a Rest Day There is no doubt that competitive sports are back. The Covid epidemic may have slowed things down for a bit, but athletes have taken back to their respective playing fields in a big way. Club sports, school sports, private lessons, and...

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Overcoming Sports Injuries

Overcoming Sports Injuries

Sports injuries or mishaps can be very stressful both physically and mentally. In the United States, there are approximately 30 million teenagers and children who participate in some form of organized sport. Of those, about three million athletes age 14 years and...

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Tips for a Successful Pregame Routine

Tips for a Successful Pregame Routine

For many athletes, the most anxious time they experience in sports is just moments before game time when their nervous energy spikes, oftentimes resulting in debilitating anxiety, poor focus, and scattered thinking. In these instances, mental toughness quickly goes...

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Soccer Hamstring Injuries and Rehab

Soccer Hamstring Injuries and Rehab

Soccer, also known as fútbol (the original football), is a beautiful sport adored and played around the world. It is a predominantly lower-extremity sport, requiring speed, endurance, strength, and agility. Unfortunately, the nature of the game predisposes athletes to...

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The Basics of Sports Injury Rehab

The Basics of Sports Injury Rehab

Injuries unfortunately are a part of sports. How an athlete recovers and returns from the injury depends on each athlete and each injury. There are different severities of injury and different demands on the injured area depending on the sport being played and how...

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