What element has a driving influence on your reaction time and overall athletic performance? The answer may not surprise you. Water, which makes up over 50-70% of your body, is a crucial element in sports performance. From endurance and strength, to blood pressure and oxygen, water can influence more than you may expect.


If you are dehydrated, it causes your heart and other organs to work harder in order to pump enough blood to keep up with your activity, leading you to reach exhaustion sooner and decreasing overall performance. Not only that, but dehydration makes it harder for your body to cool down, especially in the heat of the summer. Staying hydrated is so important for athletic performance in many ways, including:


Endurance: Staying hydrated can increase aerobic endurance and high-intensity endurance.

Strength: Hydration can increase muscle strength and anaerobic power.

Flexibility and speed: Water provides cushions for joints, which can increase flexibility and speed.

Cramping: Hydration is important for muscle function, including the heart muscles, and can help prevent cramps.

Blood pressure: Staying hydrated can help avoid blood pressure fluctuations, which otherwise could lead to dizziness, fatigue, and a racing heart.

Oxygen: When an athlete is hydrated, their blood volume increases, which means their heart pumps more blood with each beat and exercising muscles receive adequate oxygen.
Heat stroke: Hydration can decrease the risk of heat stroke or other heat diseases, especially when exercising in a hot environment.


The adequate intake or daily recommended value of water for males is about 125oz and for females is about 100oz. That is easily more than 2 large water bottles worth of water; and let’s be clear, that number is BEFORE adding activities. The more you sweat, the more you have to drink to balance out that fluid loss. Take care of your body and keep it hydrated.