by Compete Performance | Jun 6, 2023 | Blog, Hockey
If you play hockey, you’ve probably heard the term “Bauer Bump” at some point, which refers to a bony prominence that can form at the back of a player’s heel. But what exactly is that? Is it a problem? How do you get rid of it? The clinical term for the condition is...
by Compete Performance | May 26, 2023 | Blog
As the summer tournament season begins to heat up, the frequency of games in a short period of time can become a concern. Athletes may play multiple games on the same day or weekend, which can take a toll on a player’s body, causing fatigue and soreness, leading to...
by Compete Performance | May 17, 2023 | Blog
Summer is here, and the focus should be shifting to preparing for the next season, addressing any aches and pains, shoring up weaknesses, and bolstering strengths. A big part of that process includes a proper strength training program. There are many different...
by Compete Performance | May 4, 2023 | Blog, Hockey
The ability to produce rotational power is critical in nearly all sports, including ice hockey. You need rotational power to shoot, take face-offs, change direction, and manage body contact of all types. There are many modalities that can be used to train “core”...
by Compete Performance | Apr 26, 2023 | Blog, Hockey
I once heard a world-famous sports coach tell his pupil “It’s all in the hips.” Of course, this was fictional golf legend Chubbs Peterson during the movie Happy Gilmore in 1996. Although a comedy about golf, these are wise words when it comes to hockey skating...
by Compete Performance | Apr 20, 2023 | Baseball, Blog
Baseball pitchers can go through multiple stages of their career as development occurs; however, proper arm care almost always gets overlooked. Whether it’s the 12-year-old just starting out or a soon-to-be minor prospect, pitchers will throw a minimum of at least 60...