In the world of athletic training, strength coaching, etc., much of their daily interactions include talking with not only athletes and parents, but coaching staff as well. Therefore, it is vital for strength coaches and trainers to develop those relationships with the coaches. Communication with all facets of the athlete’s life are very important.

Keeping the lines of communication open between the coaching staff and the athletes’ trainers is crucial to the athletes’ wellbeing. There will be some coaches that will want to know everything that is going on with their players, and others that will trust that you will take care of the problem. It is up to the trainers to establish a relationship with the coaches so that they know how much and what type of communication that they require.

If a coach wants a regular weekly, or even daily, update on the athlete, then give them that update and be prepared to share that when possible. If the coach trusts you, then give them the information needed for when the athlete can return to play, as well as a concise update of what is happening with the athlete. Also, keep it to the point and in terms that the coaches will best understand. The goal is not to overwhelm the coaching staff, but to keep communication clear and to make sure that everyone is on the same page so as to avoid any issues down the road.

An athlete’s health should come first in the minds of coaches and trainers, but both parties are not always in that same mindset. Therefore, this is why communication between the two is crucial to the wellbeing of the athlete and their overall experience in the sports they enjoy so much. This will save everyone headaches later on and avoid any trust issues between the coaches and trainers.

Taylor Rowden is a Strength Coach at Compete Sports Performance and Rehab in Lake Forest, California. Taylor graduated from the Master’s University with a degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis on sports injury and exercise science. She was also a member of the Women’s Soccer Team.