Why Test the Countermovment Jump?

Why Test the Countermovment Jump?

The countermovement jump is a test we frequently use at Compete. Hawkins Dynamic states “the countermovement jump (CMJ) is an excellent movement for evaluating athletes in several scenarios. Not only is it easy to measure, but athletes from almost every sport...
Thoracic Spine Mobility in Rotational Athletes

Thoracic Spine Mobility in Rotational Athletes

Almost every sport relies heavily on the body’s ability to rotate. Many athletes are constantly trying to get their body to rotate faster without taking a second to consider all that goes into having the body rotate at that high of a speed repeatedly. One of the...
The Two Exercises You Need to Get Faster

The Two Exercises You Need to Get Faster

Let’s face it, every sport requires an athlete to be fast one way or another. Whether it’s a baseball player trying to change a single to a double, a soccer player going for a goal across the field, or a hockey player skating, all sports require the athlete to be...
Baseball Pitcher Arm Care Routine

Baseball Pitcher Arm Care Routine

Baseball pitchers can go through multiple stages of their career as development occurs; however, proper arm care almost always gets overlooked. Whether it’s the 12-year-old just starting out or a soon-to-be minor prospect, pitchers will throw a minimum of at least 60...