The 5 Goals of Rehab

The 5 Goals of Rehab

One of the areas of expertise athletic trainers have is rehabbing an athlete from the time of injury all the way back to their sport. For some injuries, that process is relatively short. For others, it is a long road that the athletic trainer guides them on. Whether...
The Bauer Bump

The Bauer Bump

If you play hockey, you’ve probably heard the term “Bauer Bump” at some point, which refers to a bony prominence that can form at the back of a player’s heel. But what exactly is that? Is it a problem? How do you get rid of it? The clinical term for the condition is...
Baseball Pitcher Arm Care Routine

Baseball Pitcher Arm Care Routine

Baseball pitchers can go through multiple stages of their career as development occurs; however, proper arm care almost always gets overlooked. Whether it’s the 12-year-old just starting out or a soon-to-be minor prospect, pitchers will throw a minimum of at least 60...
What is a Separated Shoulder?

What is a Separated Shoulder?

Can you tell me what a “separated shoulder” is? It’s not the same as a dislocated shoulder and you may be surprised to know how many professional players have sustained this injury. In fact, when I recently spoke with Joe Huff, the Head Athletic Trainer for the...