Elevating Your Golf Game

Elevating Your Golf Game

Golf is a sport that demands precision, focus, and technique. From the moment the club connects with the ball to the final putt, every movement counts. While mastering the fundamentals of the swing is crucial, enhancing overall performance goes beyond perfecting form...
Key Training Tips for the Post Season

Key Training Tips for the Post Season

As the season begins to wind down and playoffs are around the corner, it’s time to take a look at your training and recovery program and see if you need to modify it. The season can be very demanding on athletes with practices, lessons, games, tournaments, travel, and...
The Characteristics of an Elite Athlete

The Characteristics of an Elite Athlete

One of the most common questions that we get here at Compete is: “What does it take to reach the next level?” (ie college/pro sports). Each coach will have their own unique answer, but most of their responses boil down to 4 simple characteristics/habits. 1....