Understanding Carbohydrates: Simple vs Complex

Understanding Carbohydrates: Simple vs Complex

Carbohydrates are often considered the body’s primary energy source, especially for athletes striving for peak performance. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. They fall into two categories: simple and complex, each influencing the nutrition and...
Making the Jump to Collegiate Sports

Making the Jump to Collegiate Sports

Making the jump from high school to collegiate sports is a huge transition. Many athletes feel like they are the best on their team so they will be fine heading to college without thinking that everyone at college is the best on their team too. The bigger difference...
How To Improve Your Speed

How To Improve Your Speed

Most sports come down to one component: speed. If you cannot perform in your sport quickly, then it will be extremely challenging to excel. To train for speed, it needs to be done with 100% effort. Here are two quick tips on how to improve your speed. #1 –...
The Importance of Healthy Hamstrings

The Importance of Healthy Hamstrings

It’s getting late in the season and we all have muscle aches and pains from all the games and practices we put ourselves in.  If you find yourself in a situation of having chronically sore hamstrings, it is most likely that you do not need more hamstring...
3 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Performance

3 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Performance

As athletes, everyone has habits in their daily schedules that they have developed over years of experience in sports. However, the big determining factor is whether these habits are benefiting you as an athlete or not. Here are 3 healthy habits that are guaranteed to...