The Bauer Bump

The Bauer Bump

If you play hockey, you’ve probably heard the term “Bauer Bump” at some point, which refers to a bony prominence that can form at the back of a player’s heel. But what exactly is that? Is it a problem? How do you get rid of it? The clinical term for the condition is...
Off-Season Soccer Tips

Off-Season Soccer Tips

Many athletes look forward to the off-season after enduring a long and grueling season. The off-season is also a great opportunity to recharge both physically and mentally and address shortcomings in areas such as strength, flexibility, mobility, speed, power, and...
Which is better to use? Kettlebells or Dumbells?

Which is better to use? Kettlebells or Dumbells?

No matter what level of athlete or weightlifting you are at, you have most likely asked yourself, “Do I use a kettlebell or dumbbell? Which is better?” When both are implemented into your training regimen it’s excellent but in different situations. You have to...
How to Work Core Stability in a Standing Position

How to Work Core Stability in a Standing Position

The term “core stability” has been around for decades. There are many different aspects of core stability, but to me, we are speaking about the muscles that allow your trunk to flex, extend, rotate and side bend. They are also the muscles that resist these movements...